To Control
Your Costs
AFTER-SALES SERVICEService après vente & gestion de flux entrants
Best value for money on the market, HDB Solutions combines French knowledge and cost effective production.
HDB Solutions animates your multi-channel communication with your tools or implements the latest customer relationship technologies.
Service disponible en multilingue 24H/24 et 7 jours sur 7
Agents qualifiés, superviseurs, formateurs & coach qualité inclus.
Full real-time reporting.
MAPPINGConnectivity Mapping and Product Sheet Management
Whether on a one-off mission or all year round, HDB Solutions is the reference player in business process outsourcing for the tourism industry.
Your external staff configure, connect, update your products on a large scale to meet your seasonal needs.
We design tailor-made processes to make it smooth, easy and efficient to maximise your distribution strategy.
TECHNICAL SUPPORTLevel 1 technical support
The quality perceived by your customers is reflected in your ability to deal with the difficulties they encounter in using your product.
Avoir une approche réellement customer centric génère une fidélisation client pérenne.
Entourez votre produit d’une équipe d’experts technique pour répondre aux principales demandes d’assistance et focalisez vos experts internes sur les tâches à forte valeur ajoutée.
Proposez un accompagnement multicanal (Livechat, ticketing, email & téléphone) mémorable, utile et instantané à toutes les étapes du cycle de vie de vos clients.
Nous designons des process optimums avec vos outils et de nouvelles approches innovantes pour votre organisation.
Full reporting with real-time customer feedback.
PRODUCT LAUNCHHDB Solutions offers a suite of solutions to bring your new product/service to market.
Whether it's a one-off assignment or a year-round project, HDB Solutions can help you from the definition of your persona to the execution of your acquisition strategy.
Mobilise human and technical efforts 3x faster than in-house with qualified sales staff equipped with the latest innovative prospecting tools.
HDB Solutions propose l’un des meilleurs rapports qualité/prix du marché pour animer son portefeuille clients et conquérir de nouveaux partenaires.EXTERNALISATIONComplete outsourcing of a sales department
HDB Solutions partners save an average of €21,600 per resource per year.
From optimising your cost structure to creating a central booking office, we provide turnkey services for the tourism industry, combining state-of-the-art technology with carefully selected sales staff.
We evaluate each of your external employees once a week on your quality standards with a personalised coaching plan.
A tailor-made service with a complete framework consisting of a business consultant, supervisor, trainer and quality coach.
To boost your performance
To be more agile
They Trusted
Discover Our Collaborations
Hotel groups, OTAs, tour operators, TMCs, outdoor hospitality… HDB Solutions consultants are experts in their tourism domains. Our expertise allows us to understand the specifics of your sector and precisely identify your needs.
Call overflow management, abandoned cart recovery, product listing creation, SEO content, lead sourcing… Together, we accelerate your commercial performance.
See All Our Collaborations
Let's Meet
Want to Go
Further ?
Your Tools, Your Processes to Accelerate Without Constraints
From service design to strategy execution, we develop efficient workflows between your internal and external teams.
Gain flexibility and efficiency, control your costs, and boost your sales with a unique solution tailored to your specific business needs.
Benefit from an external dedicated team trained to understand your brand’s challenges.